Monday, May 30, 2011

Crazy as a Monkey's Uncle

We recently returned from a cruise! One of our stops was in Roatan Honduras where we had a chance to hold a sweet little monkey. Well, he didn't end up being sweet. Apparently Poncho didn't like the idea of being left behind! He was very upset that he couldn't play with Clay forever so he got even!

We are very grateful that Clay is okay! I have to add in a disclaimer about why I kept saying, "walk away."  The monkey was tied to a line and if you try to hand the monkey off it gets very upset so the best thing to do is walk away from the monkey. Clay was treated for rabies just as a precaution and the monkey is being treated for insanity =).

Oh and by the way, we are going to be FAMOUS! The travel channel recently came to our home and filmed our story to air on "When Vacations Attack," stay tuned......or we will sick Poncho on you.
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Tuesday, May 17, 2011

University of Pacific Basketball Tournament

We just got back from a super fun trip to California. Roger attended dental school at the University of Pacific in San Francisco. In honor of each year's class they have a plaque with the graduates names on it. This of course is not to be confused with the plaque one might find on their teeth.

Each year the school hosts a basketball tournament. Roger's team did amazing and won the whole tournament. Despite my lack of a black  eye (last year at this tournament I got a black eye) we played hard and my team took second place in the women's tournament.  Our youngest son Danny also participated in the tournament. UOP heard we were all coming and insisted that we split up into three teams because they were afraid of total and utter Harding domination. 

Here is a picture of Danny's team:

The grand champions!

Only the top two finishers were awarded a hot dog lunch.  Here is a picture of the best two women's teams in the entire tournament. The first and second place women's teams and the only two women's teams.

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